Who is signed up on LoveSwans?
Members of LoveSwans are 100% male. This is because female members can sign up, but their profiles will permanently stay in the “being moderated” stage. As indicated earlier, LoveSwans is a catalogue-like website where female profiles are Eastern European women who applied for a space in the portfolio.
These women have professional photos or model-like appearances. Such photos are well-prepared and you can tell that the photos are taken from a photoshoot—whether amateur or not. Women are also active in the site by liking and sending messages to male users, even those who have not yet completed their profiles nor uploaded a profile photo.
Seemingly, the majority of male members are looking for serious relationships and marriage. Most of them are within the marrying age or older, anyway.
Reports indicate that high member traffic and activity are coming from the United States. Based on research, the member base of LoveSwans mostly comes from this country. However, we are unable to verify this as no one is allowed to browse the profiles of other members of the dating site. You are only allowed to see the women members from the catalogue.
New members at LoveSwans in March 2025 in comparison
Here you can see how membership figures at LoveSwans are developing compared to others